S Wells Water Treatment Facility

S Wells Water Treatment Facility

S Wells Water Treatment Facility

SCV Water is embarking on a new water treatment facility to restore local water affected by PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) using ion exchange treatment. Ion exchange is a proven treatment option for removing PFAS from our groundwater.

The $16 million water treatment project is located on Bridgeport Lane across the street from Bridgeport Park. It will restore local water quality to three existing wells: S6, S7 and S8. Combined, these wells will produce up to 6,000 gallons per minute (9,678 acre-feet per year) of groundwater. That is enough to serve more than 10,000 SCV Water households annually.

The project will also ensure a local, reliable water supply for our customers and reduce our reliance on costly imported water.

Project Documents

Revised Mitigated Negative Declcaration Documents (June 22, 2023)

Click on the link or images below to open a document.

Project Rendering

Click on the images below to view full-size.



S Wells Rendering - Bike Path with plants, people and a seating area.

Project Fact Sheet

Click on the image below to view full-size.

Bridgeport Community Listening Sessions

Community members attended the Bridgeport Community Listening Sessions to learn more about the project and provide input during the project’s early planning and design phase.

Meeting 1 – August 31, 2022

Meeting 2 – November 2, 2022

Email swells@scvwa.org or call 661-705-7253 for more information.


Approximate Dates: July 2024 to January 2026

What to Expect During Construction

There may be:

  • Construction traffic on Bridgeport Lane and surrounding streets from Newhall Ranch Road.
  • Construction equipment and supplies will not be staged on Bridgeport Lane.
  • There will be pipeline construction through Bridgeport Park from Bridgeport Lane to Newhall Avenue.
  • There will be pipeline construction along the north and south sides of the existing bike trail. The bike lane may be temporarily reduced to a single lane at times.
  • Residents nearby may hear routine construction sounds, such as trucks entering and exiting the facility, equipment, and machines.
  • Once the facility is complete, nearby residents will not hear sounds/noise at the site.
  • There will be no traffic impacts once the project is complete.
  • There are no anticipated water shutoffs during this project.


Our new water treatment facility will be thoughtfully designed. The facility is enclosed and there is limited visibility of the site from the street or the adjacent neighborhood.

  • 1 treatment system: including 4 pairs of PFAS Treatment Vessels
  • Location for a future groundwater well to produce up to an additional 1,000 gallons per minute of water
  • 1-story chemical building for residual disinfection
  • Two new driveways and gates along Bridgeport Lane
  • Decorative perimeter walls and landscaping buffer to screen the facility.