Kids’ Corner

Kids’ Corner

Attention, kids and parents! The SCV Water team has created fun, educational resources to help kids learn about the world of water. Each activity and video is designed to inform and empower our future water leaders. Let’s work together to use water wisely and build a bright future in the Santa Clarita Valley.

Start with Heart

SCV Water has commissioned the Razzle Bam Boom team to produce some fun and informative weekly videos for your students at home. Our themes are about being safe and being water smart.

Start with Heart - Water Education Videos

Coloring Pages

We’ve also rolled out some coloring pages for kids! Don’t forget to post your artwork and tag us #SCVWaterColor and we’ll share our favorites!

How Much Water Does it Take to Make a Hamburger?

Watch our video to find out!


Click on the images below to download and print the coloring page