Homeowners' Associations (HOAs)
Homeowners' Associations (HOAs)
Using water wisely is a way of life in California and the Santa Clarita Valley. While rain and show provided significant water throughout the state and the SCV early in 2023, consecutive, multi-year drought and existing impacts on our groundwater supplies will take time to build back our banked reserves for future dry years.
SCV Water is here to help you save water and money! To increase your water-use efficiency, take advantage of our rebate programs.
Click the button below to visit our Conservation Rebate Portal to learn more and get started.
Non-Functional Turf
NFT is mowed grass that is decorative and not otherwise used for human recreation purposes. These areas of grass are commonly found between sidewalks and streets, in medians, in parking lots and in front of businesses, institutions, and common areas of developments maintained by homeowner associations.
Did you know there is a law that governs the irrigation of non-functional turf?
Effective January 1, 2024, AB 1572 prohibits the use of potable water for the irrigation of non-functional turf located on commercial, industrial, municipal, institutional, and common interest developments including Homeowners Associations. Various customer groups must comply within the next several years.
Turf Replacement
SCV Water is offering rebates for turf removal in large landscapes. Our revamped Lawn Replacement Program offers a $3 per square foot incentive for converting from grass to water-efficient landscaping, and adds more flexibility to mix, match and stack additional incentives and rebates to enhance your project!
Turf Replacement Program Resources
- Rebate Estimator
With our easy-to-use Rebate/Incentive Estimator, you can calculate the amount of money you could receive by updating your irrigation components and converting your turf to beautiful drought-tolerant landscaping.
Estimating your rebate is fast and easy. Just provide your project details, select the components you want to purchase or upgrade and click the Start New Estimate button.
- LRP Overview: Requirements & Process
- Everything you need to know about our Lawn Replacement Program before you start! Includes information on:
- program and design requirements
- rebate values and requirements
- additional resources list
- ... and an overview of the Lawn Replacement Program process!
- Pilot Program Fact Sheets
Our lawn replacement program has some exciting new add-ons! Review the fact sheets to see how you can save even more on your project by utilizing our new pilot programs!
Irrigation Control & Efficiency
Get rebates for smart irrigation controllers as well as other irrigation efficiency programs and products.
- Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate
SCV Water is offering rebates for weather-based (smart) irrigation controllers at the rate of $25 per active station (valve), up to the cost of the device, to HOAs, parks & landscape maintenance districts within the SCV Water service area.
- Healthy and Efficient Landscapes Program (HELP)
Option 1: Drip Irrigation Conversion
SCV Water now offers Drip Irrigation Conversion Rebates of 75¢/sq. ft. Converting spray irrigation for shrubs, flowers, and other non-turf applications can achieve substantial savings.
- Download the HELP Program Guide
- Complete and Submit the ONLINE Rebate Form or Download the Printer-Friendly Rebate Form
- Download the IRS W-9 Tax ID Form
Option 2: HE Nozzles and Pressure Regulation
SCV Water now offers rebates (Up to $12 for HE Nozzles, 75% for Master Pressure Regulation, and $10.00 per Pressure Regulating Body) when you replace your old spray sprinklers with high-efficiency equipment to make your irrigation system lean, mean and green!
- Free Landscape Irrigation Survey
In our continuing commitment to serve our customers, SCV Water offers a landscape irrigation survey at no cost to you. Our contractor, WaterWise Consulting, will visit your site and complete a comprehensive irrigation system inspection. Customers will be provided a report identifying potential water conservation measures, rebate program information and additional conservation tips and tools.
Water Efficiency
Check out our water efficiency programs.
School Retrofit Program – SCV Water will conduct a “check-up” of your outdoor water use and indoor equipment at your school to help save water. The recommendations may be accompanied by a grant up to $15,000 to implement the most cost-effective recommendations.
Thank you for doing your part to protect our most vital resource.