Nimbus Tank No. 2
Nimbus Tank No. 2
Project Overview
SCV Water will construct a new 2.08-million-gallon potable water tank just east of the existing 2.08-million-gallon Nimbus Tank No.1’s tank site, located northwest of the Skyline Ranch Community and adjacent to the cul-de-sac in Nimbus Way.
The new tank is estimated to be identical to the existing tank and will be 45 feet high and 107.5 feet wide. The top of the new tank will be set at the same elevation as the top of the existing tank. The existing site will also require grading, drainage piping, and electrical piping. Nimbus Tank No.1 was designed with the consideration of a future tank at the same tank site, so the construction of Nimbus Tank No.2 shall utilize existing features, thus minimizing construction efforts.
Community Benefits
SCV Water works hard to effectively manage water availability and distribution for our customers, ensuring there is adequate water stored in our reservoirs for firefighting, emergency backup, and to meet daily customer water needs. This includes the long-term maintenance, capital improvements, and new reservoir expansion required to provide adequate water storage within each of our service areas.
The new tank will expand water storage at the Nimbus Tank site that is currently providing water to your community. The new tank will also include storage for future development within the Deane Zone that will add to the storage demands of the Deane Pressure Zone distribution system.
Project Documents
Click on the link below to open a document.
Skyline Ranch Final EIR
SCV Water Addendum to Final EIR
Project Schedule
The anticipated project schedule is as follows:
- Construction Start: March 2024
- Construction End: December 2025
What to Expect During Construction
There will not be any closures, but there will be large construction trucks driving up and down Nimbus Way and Stratus Street to access the road leading up to the tank site.