Residential Conservation Rebates
Residential Conservation Rebates
Using water wisely is a way of life in California and the Santa Clarita Valley. While rain and show provided significant water throughout the state and the SCV early in 2023, consecutive, multi-year drought and existing impacts on our groundwater supplies will take time to build back our banked reserves for future dry years.
Did you know? More than half of an average home’s water use is outdoors – and up to half of that is wasted. Saving water starts at home and SCV Water is here to help you save water and money! Small changes can add up to big water savings. To increase your water-use efficiency, take advantage of our rebate programs.
Click the button below to visit our Conservation Rebate Portal to learn more and get started.
Lawn Replacement
Our revamped Lawn Replacement Program offers a $3 per square foot incentive for converting from grass to water-efficient landscaping, and adds more flexibility to mix, match and stack additional incentives and rebates to enhance your project!
Lawn Replacement Program Resources
- Rebate Estimator
With our easy-to-use Rebate/Incentive Estimator, you can calculate the amount of money you could receive by updating your irrigation components and converting your lawn to beautiful drought-tolerant landscaping.
Estimating your rebate is fast and easy. Just provide your project details, select the components you want to purchase or upgrade and click the Start New Estimate button.
- LRP Overview: Requirements & Process
Everything you need to know about our Lawn Replacement Program before you start! Includes information on:
- program and design requirements
- rebate values and requirements
- additional resources list
- ... and an overview of the Lawn Replacement Program process!
- Design Assistance
Our Landscape Design Assistance reimburses for a 2-hour consultation with a professional landscape designer. Participants pay the landscape designer a $150 fee at the time of the appointment, and are reimbursed by SCV Water when their lawn replacement project is successfully completed.
- Pilot Program Fact Sheets
Our lawn replacement program has some exciting new add-ons! Review the fact sheets to see how you can save even more on your project by utilizing our new pilot programs!
Irrigation Control & Efficiency
Get rebates for smart irrigation controllers and soil moisture sensors, and other efficiency programs and products.
Irrigation Control
- Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate
A smart irrigation controller uses information about site conditions, such as temperature, soil moisture, rain, wind, slope, soil, plant type, etc., to automatically adjust irrigation times to apply the right amount of water to a landscape.
Rebate: Up to $150, limit 1 controller or sensor
- Soil Moisture Sensor Rebate
A soil moisture sensor is placed in a representative part of your landscape to determine watering times based on the moisture of the soil
Rebate: Up to $150, limit 1 controller or sensor
Efficiency Products
- Drip Irrigation Incentive
Drip irrigation involves the controlled delivery of water directly to individual plants through a network of tubes or pipes
Incentive: $.75 per square foot of the project area
- High-Efficiency Nozzle Rebate
High-efficiency nozzles are sprinkler nozzles with a precipitation rate of less than 1″ per hour
Rebate: Up to $12 each
- Master Pressure Regulation Rebate
A master pressure regulator is an installable valve that reduces the water pressure coming from the main water line to the irrigation valves
Rebate: 75% of the purchase price, limit 1 per meter
- Pressure Regulating Valve Rebate
A pressure regulating valve (PRV) is an installable plumbing valve that reduces the water pressure coming through an irrigation line
Rebate: 75% of the purchase price
- Pressure Regulating Bodies with Check Valve Rebate
A pressure regulating body with a check valve regulates pressure to help sprinkler nozzles distribute water more evenly. The check valve prevents water from leaking out from the lowest sprinkler in a zone when the water is shut off, keeping water in the pipes
Rebate: Up to $10 each
Pressure Regulating Bodies with Check Valve Rebate Qualified Products List
- Rain Barrel Rebate
Rain barrels are used to capture rainwater from rooftops and structures for irrigation use and/or to water indoor plants.
Rebate: Up to $75 each, limit 2 per meter
- Pool Cover Rebate
Pool Cover Rebate
Pool covers minimize evaporation from pools and also help to reduce pool heating costs
Rebate: Up to $200 each, limit 1 per meter
- Free Residential Water Efficiency Kit
Efficiency Kit for their homes. The Water Efficiency Kit includes 1 WaterSense® labeled shower head, 2 WaterSense® labeled bathroom faucet aerators, 2 hose nozzles, 1 replacement toilet flapper, and 2 leak detector dye tablet packs.
Customers are limited to 1 Water Efficiency Kit per account.
Kits can be picked up at 24631 Avenue Rockefeller, or call 661-294-0828.
Workshops, irrigation support, water-saving tips, and more!
- Free Drought Ready Home Check-Ups
SCV Water is offering Drought Ready Home Check-Ups to help you prepare for another multi-year drought. These check-ups focus on outdoor water use and are designed to detect leaks and opportunities to increase irrigation performance. Inspections include outdoor areas only (i.e. landscaped areas, garage, and/or porch).
The service takes about one hour to complete and includes:
- Irrigation system evaluation
- Leak inspection
- Water Efficiency Kit (high-efficiency faucet aerators, showerheads, toilet flapper and leak detection tablets, automatic shutoff hose nozzles, and more. Actual products may vary.)
- Push broom
- Shower timer
- Moisture meter
- Resources to help you prepare for continued and intensifying drought conditions
Call WaterWise Consulting, Inc. at 888-987-9473
- WaterSmart Workshop
SCV Water now offers customers customized home water conservation training with the online WaterSMART Workshop. The workshop provides customers with information on current water issues, how to become more efficient with home water use, how to read and analyze your water bill and how to save water both inside and outside of your home!
The Workshop can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and customers can complete it at their leisure.
Effective 12/1/2020 the $20 incentive for completing the WaterSMART Workshop will be issued as a credit on your water bill within 90 days of completion.
Thank you for doing your part to protect our most vital resource.