Development Services
Development Services
Development Services is responsible for reviewing development plans and assisting developers, engineers, and property owners through the planning, approval, and installation of new water and recycled water (if available) facilities. This division is also responsible for mapping of developer constructed facilities. The inspection staff provides quality assurance to private development, City and County projects, and Capital Improvements Program projects as well as utility mark outs via Dig Alert.
SCV Water is eager to assist you with your residential, commercial or industrial project. For assistance, please contact us.
New Service and Meter Installations
& Construction Meter Requests
Find info about installing a new water main for a proposed development project or renting a construction meter.
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Plan Checks
Get your proposed permit applications, construction drawings, (and more) reviewed/approved.
Agency Standards and CAD ToolBox
Standards drawings and design specifications for construction.
The following is a brief summary of typical categories our staff can assist you with. Please contact us for assistance.
- New domestic, landscape, or fire water service installations.
- Facility capacity fees.
- Backflow protection inquiries including approved devices.
- Relocation or abandonment of existing water services or facilities (fire hydrants, vaults, fire services, etc).
- New water main installation for a proposed development project.
- Water pressure inquiries.
- Any other water-related questions.