Plans and Reports
Plans and Reports
As part of our ongoing efforts to protect and maintain our precious water resources, SCV Water prepares a variety of plans and reports that address or evaluate specific Agency responsibilities; outline our goals and strategies; develop key initiatives, or plan for various scenarios with our water supplies . Plans and reports are updated as necessary and required by law.
Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality Report)
This Annual Consumer Confidence Report is a snapshot of the quality of local water supplies in the Santa Clarita Valley and how it compares to strict Federal and State standards.
Groundwater Sustainability Plan
Managed by the Santa Clarita Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency, the Groundwater Sustainability Plan provides a roadmap of how to sustainably manage local groundwater resources within the Valley.
Integrated Regional Water Management Plan
Our Integrated Regional Water Management Plan identifies and implements water management solutions on a regional scale that focus on improved water quality, better flood management, restored and enhanced ecosystems, and more reliable surface and groundwater supplies.
Urban Water Management Plan
Our Urban Water Management Plan directs long-term resource planning to guarantee water supplies are available to meet future water needs.
Water Shortage Contingency Plan
Our Water Shortage Contingency Plan proactively ensures adequate water supplies in the event of a shortage caused by a drought, earthquake, fire or other catastrophic event.
SCV Water Report
The SCV Water Report, published annually, provides current information about the requirements and water supplies of the Santa Clarita Valley.
SCV Well Water Production & Levels
This monthly document provides a map of SCV Water Wells, tables of water production by well, by month and by year, and groundwater level graphs of the wells currently in operation.
Strategic Plan
The SCV Water Board of Directors adopted a 5-Year Strategic Plan that provides direction and guidance to the Agency in the coming years.