Rates and Fees
Rates and Fees
SCV Water has a simple and straightforward mission: To provide responsible water stewardship that ensures the Santa Clarita Valley has reliable supplies of high-quality water at a reasonable cost.
As part of that mission, the Agency regularly evaluates the cost of providing service, to confirm that expenses are balanced with revenue so that we can adequately address system operations, maintenance and updates, meet government regulations and maintain financial stability.
The rates and fees here were adopted by the SCV Water Board of Directors on June 15, 2021, and will be in effect through June 30, 2026.
July 1, 2023, starts the third year of the current five-year rate case. Fixed and variable charges are increasing, while legacy debt remains the same.
- Variable (Water Use) Charge
Expenses such as purchased water, treatment, pumping and other costs attributable directly to the amount of water used.
- Fixed Charge
Non-fluctuating costs such as capital projects, transmission, distribution, meters and service.
- Legacy Debt
This monthly fixed charge recovers the debt service costs for debt owed by the legacy divisions prior to the formation of SCV Water. It ensures that infrastructure costs incurred for the benefit of each pre-merger service area are paid for by those service areas.
- Recycled Water
Charges only apply to those limited accounts where it has been provided.
- Fire Service Charges
A standby or readiness charge, charged only to private fire service customers.
Potable and Recycled Water Charges
- Variable (Water Use) Charge
Note: Water Use Charge is per unit of water used (ccf) (1 ccf = 748 gallons)
Class Effective 7/1/21 Effective 7/1/22 Effective 7/1/23 Effective 7/1/24 Effective 7/1/25 Potable $2.09 $2.22 $2.37 $2.52 $2.68 Recycled $1.67 $1.78 $1.90 $2.02 $2.14 - Monthly Fixed Charges
(Potable and Recycled)
Meter Size Effective 7/1/21 Effective 7/1/22 Effective 7/1/23 Effective 7/1/24 Effective 7/1/25 5/8-in $13.64 $14.52 $15.47 $16.47 $17.54 3/4-in $18.38 $19.58 $20.85 $22.21 $23.65 1-in $27.87 $29.69 $31.62 $33.67 $35.86 1 1/2-in $51.60 $54.96 $58.63 $62.33 $66.39 2-in $80.08 $85.28 $90.83 $96.73 $103.02 2 1/2-in $94.32 $100.45 $106.97 $113.93 $121.33 3-in $146.52 $156.04 $166.18 $176.99 $188.49 4-in $241.43 $257.13 $273.84 $291.64 $310.60 6-in $478.72 $509.84 $542.98 $578.27 $615.86 8-in $763.47 $813.09 $865.94 $922.23 $982.17 10-in $1,095.67 $1,166.89 $1,242.74 $1,323.51 $1,409.54 12-in $2,044.82 $2,177.74 $2,319.29 $2,470.04 $2,630.59 - Monthly Legacy Debt Fixed Charge
Meter Size Santa Clarita Division Effective 7/1/21* Valencia Division Effective 7/1/21* 5/8-in $6.80 $4.34 3/4-in $10.20 $6.50 1-in $17.01 $10.84 1 1/2-in $34.02 $21.68 2-in $54.42 $34.69 2 1/2-in $64.63 $41.20 3-in $102.05 $65.05 4-in $170.08 $108.41 6-in $340.15 $216.83 8-in $544.24 $346.92 10-in $782.35 $498.70 12-in $1,462.65 $932.36 *The Legacy Debt charge is effective on July 1, 2021, and will remain unchanged through the rate period (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2026). It is billed monthly.
- Miscellaneous Fees
Miscellaneous Fees
Fee Description Amount Returned Payment Fee $35.00 Late Fee - Overdue Notice generated $10.00 Disconnection Fee $30.00 Out of Agency Fee To Be Determined AMI/AMR Opt-Out Set-up Fee $75.00 AMI/AMR Opt-Out Monthly Fee $30.00 AMI/AMR Opt-Out Re-Read Fee $30.00 Meter Test Fee* $112.00 Pulled Meter Fee Actual cost to Agency Turn off at Main Actual cost to Agency Property Damage Actual cost to Agency
plus 10% overheadUnread Meter Fee $200.00 Water Waste Penalty Fee $50.00/day - Additional $50.00/day
for each subsequent violation
up to a max of $500.00Cross-Connection / Backflow Non-Compliance Fee $200 per month * No charge if the meter is inaccurate
Restoration or Reconnection of Service
Restoration Time Description Amount Standard Next Day Restoration (during normal Agency business hours) $30.00 Express Restoration (after normal Agency business hours) $70.00 Agency observed holidays $90.00 Fire Flow Test Charge
Fire Flow Test - All Locations Amount Hydraulic Model $150.00 Field Test $500.00 Penalties for Unauthorized Use of the Agency's Potable or Recycled Water System
Description of Unauthorized Use Penalty Charge Broken Meter stop/shut-off valve $300.00 Cutting Agency lock or bypassing meter $50.00 Unauthorized installation/connection/use penalty $1,000 each offense Unauthorized tampering of the Agency systems $1,000 each offense Unauthorized use of a Private Fire Protection Service COnnection $1,000 each offense Damage to meter, pipeline, tank, well site, or other components of the potable or recycled water service infrastructure $525.00 or actual cost of repair, whichever is greater Potable or Recycled Water Service Application Fee and Deposit
Account Description Deposit Amount Fee $20.00 Deposit* 3-months average use * Potable Water or Recycled Service Application Fee and Deposit (when required).
Dedicated Fire Service Charges
- Variable (Water Use) Charge
Note: Water Use Charge is per unit of water used (ccf) (1 ccf = 748 gallons)
Class Effective 7/1/21 Effective 7/1/22 Effective 7/1/23 Effective 7/1/24 Effective 7/1/25 Potable $2.09 $2.22 $2.37 $2.52 $2.68 - Monthly Fixed Charges
Meter Size Effective 7/1/21 Effective 7/1/22 Effective 7/1/23 Effective 7/1/24 Effective 7/1/25 3/4-in $5.71 $6.08 $6.47 $6.90 $7.34 1-in $6.29 $6.70 $7.14 $7.60 $8.10 1 1/2-in $7.76 $8.26 $8.80 $9.37 $9.98 2-in $9.51 $10.13 $10.79 $11.49 $12.24 2 1/2-in $10.39 $11.07 $11.79 $12.55 $13.37 3-in $13.61 $14.50 $15.44 $16.44 $17.51 4-in $19.47 $20.73 $22.08 $23.52 $25.04 6-in $34.10 $36.32 $38.68 $41.20 $43.87 8-in $51.67 $55.03 $58.60 $62.41 $66.47 10-in $72.16 $76.85 $81.85 $87.17 $92.83 12-in $130.71 $139.21 $148.25 $157.89 $168.15 14-in $192.19 $204.68 $217.98 $232.15 $247.24 16-in $272.98 $290.73 $309.63 $329.75 $351.18 18-in $433.70 $461.89 $491.91 $523.89 $557.94 20-in $46.41 $581.92 $619.75 $660.03 $702.93
Use the Rates Calculator to view the impact on your rates for each year.
Read the Rates Study used to set the rates.